Quartz crystal was thought to be fossilized ice sent by the gods until the late 1500s. It is actually one of the most abundant minerals in the continental crust - made of silicon and oxygen. Also called rock crystal and clear quartz, it can be clear or show inclusions, veils and colors. Ancient civilizations considered quartz crystals talismans - the Romans, Egyptians and Greeks included. The word quartz comes from German, and crystal from the Greek, krystallos, ice. The Japanese believed quartz formed from the breath of a white dragon. As a divination stone, quartz has been used in rain rituals, crystal skulls and spheres throughout history.
Sodalite, named for its sodium content, is often called "poor man's lapis" due to its resemblance to lapis lazuli. It is also confused with Azurite, Dumortierite and Lazulite. In Canada, it's called "Princess Blue" because it was found in Ontario on a royal visit in 1891. Sodalite is a metaphysical combination of logic and intuition that links truth to idealism. This has become popular in groups and collaborative efforts because it promotes mental clarity, rational thought, and objectivity. As related to the throat chakra and zodiac sign Sagittarius, it is also said to have water energy in feng shui. Others believe it purifies lymph nodes and boosts immunity - representing inner peace and harmony.
Spectrolite was discovered during World War II along Finland's eastern border. What really sets this variation of Labradorite apart is its display of metallic colors - red, orange, green, yellow, blue, indigo and purple. Spectrolite is believed to having healing properties beyond its visual appeal. It combats fatigue, and promotes calm and clarity under stress. The stone may also improve blood circulation, cell regeneration and spleen function in cases of anemia or hemophilia. Spectrolite can help to regulate the circadian rhythm, which promotes sleep and insomnia.
Sugilite is a rare mineral discovered in 1944 by Japanese geologist Ken-ichi Sugi. Usually a vivid purple color, sugilite is opaque to translucent and some pieces have facets. Other names include Purple Turquoise, Cybelene, and Royal Lavulite. Believed to create positive energy, Sugilite can protect you from negative feelings and situations. As a calming stone it can ease worries and bring calm and emotional healing. Sugilite is associated with forgiveness and freedom metaphorically. This would activate the crown chakra and send spiritual and unconditional love down to the base chakra, bringing all the chakras in alignment with light. In times of discouragement or despair, place Sugilite on the Third Eye to draw in comforting energy and a flow of gentle, loving information from the spiritual world to bring peace and relaxation to the emotional body.
Tiffany Stone
Tiffany Stone was discovered in the Brush Wellman Beryllium mine in the state of Utah, where it was initially considered a byproduct, but it quickly gained popularity due to its attention-grabbing deep colors and rareness. Tiffany Stone is believed to help declutter the physical and emotional realms. Mindful support for academic pursuits - Tiffany Stone helps with mental clarity, harnessing the qualities of wisdom, spiritual connection, and serenity. This mystical stone is revered as a powerful ally for transformation, protection, and the freedom to live life authentically.. The high fluorite content is thought to strengthen bones and ligaments and may ease tendonitis, arthritis and respiratory problems.
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye, or Tiger's Eye, is a silicified crocidolite in quartz gemstone with a unique iridescent luster or chatoyancy resembling a tiger's eye. Low iron levels during formation may cause this stone to be blue in color; maroon varieties may be dyed or heated. Tiger's eyes promote clear vision. It combines earthy grounding with light energy to improve psychic ability and protect you. It is also placed on closed lids or in other ways used in meditation to relax the eyes.
Known for centuries as schorl, Tourmaline is derived from the Sinhalese words tura mali, which means "unknown gemstones of mixed colors." This stone has more colors than most others. Pink tourmaline is one of its varieties and, along with opal, it's the October birthstone. Various types of tourmaline have different metaphysical properties, such as fear management, reconciliation, commitment to goals, repelling negative energy, and much more.
Turquoise is a blue-green stone with a brown and black matrix made mainly from copper deposits. The exact discovery date is uncertain, but it has captivated people for centuries, with carved pieces in burial and archaeological sites worldwide. A stone of communication and enthusiasm, turquoise is one of December's official birthstones - and often reveals artistic talent. The unique copper matrix gives it energy and is considered a healing talisman. Turquoise balances the throat chakra, increases communication and resistance to viruses, and eases sore throats and allergies.